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my story

"compassion is knowing your darkness well enough that you can sit in the darkness with others" - pema chodron


my story comes in the form of highs and lows, complete darkness and the brightest light, utter abandonment and complete connection. and of course everything in between. I believe that my purpose is to share my story and live my life out loud, helping others know that they are not alone.


I grew up a very lucky girl on the island of Kaua'i with my 3 siblings and mother and father. I was a part of a worldwide, close-knit religious organization called Jehovah's Witnesses. My mother and father both parented me the best they could but they came from a place of their own wounds and generational trauma. The religious community felt hypocritical to me from an early age - claiming that they are a religion of love and peace yet their love was conditional and tough. 


I was baptized at 14, making a lifelong commitment to the religion. The consequences of that decision were incomprehensible for my child mind, for if I ever changed my mind and left, I would be shunned from my community. 


Not knowing how to reconcile this, I started to quickly lead a double life of partying, drug use, irresponsible sexual behavior and disassociation. For two years I was two people: a good Christian girl, going door to door preaching about the end of times; and a constantly hungover, lying teen who stole and cheated her way through high school. Within two years of this lifestyle, my body and soul broke down. I became bedridden with respiratory and digestive issues, with the inability to eat for a month. My parents only agreed to nurse to health if I agreed to repent and return to God.


However, once I was better, I ran all the way to California. I was taken in by non-religious grandparents. I continued my dissassociated lifestyle for another year before finally giving it up and going back to being a Jehovah's Witness. From age 18-21, I studied the Bible, immersing myself in the JW interpretations, trying to believe, trying to find the truth. But I knew it was not for me. At 21, I made a conscious decision to again leave the religion. I left behind a lifetime of friends, mentors, and of course, my family. 


I write this on my 10 year anniversary of making that decision. When I walked out of that church in 2013, on a crisp night with ocean salt in the air, I cried with sadness of ending one life but joy for the life I could now create. I remember thinking that in many years from now, I will remember this moment and be proud of the decision I made to be free, to be fully me, and to trust that I will always be okay. 

my mission 

to explore tools, resources and practices that are specific to your healing, in this chapter of your life. to find ease and acceptance between the highs and lows. to establish a solid foundation for yourself upon which you balance the ever-changing seasons of life.


to use love, humor, truth, science, timeless wisdom, psychology, nature, the woo woo, and humility to support you through the hard stuff

Licenses and Certifications

  • Colorado Licensed Massage Therapist

  • Shiatsu and Thai Massage

  • Reiki Practitioner Level II

  • Certified RockTape Kinesiology Taping

  • ACE Personal Trainer

  • CrossFit Certified Coach

  • Trauma Psychology

  • NOLS Wilderness First Responder

  • First Aid and CPR



  • Costa Rica School of Massage Therapy

    • 700hr program + Asian Modalities

  • University of Colorado, Boulder

    • BA in Psychology and Sociology 


Trainings and Interests

  • Intraoral/Buccal Massage

  • Lomi Lomi

  • Herbalism

  • Plant Medicine

  • Sound Healings

  • Breathwork

  • Polyvagal Theory

  • Divine Feminine Work

  • Tarot


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Charlotte Inez, LMT

intuitive mind.soul.bodywork







hours: tuesday 10am-6pm

            wednesday 9am-5:30pm

            saturday 10am-4pm

           others times available upon request

© 2023 by Charlotte Inez, LLC

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